A look back at “Big Beatles Night 4” at the Rex Theater - 2/16/08

- The night that Jeannie Joined the band...

To contact us: CStolar@verizon.net

A Classic Rock Band

The Rock-It Band  (Pittsburgh, PA)

Click here to see other Big Beatles Night 4 pictures on the Pittsburgh Guitar website(also BBN 1,2 & 3))

Big Beatles Night 4 was even better that I expected.  It was very cool to hear so many different bands playing their favorite Beatles songs.  If you are a Beatles fan, you must make a point to attend the next Big Beatles Night.  Admission was only $5 and the whole experience was amazing.  You could sit where ever you wanted and people kept changing their seats so you could eventually sit in your favorite location.  There was a large display of Beatles musical equipment and Beatles videos running on the back wall at all times.     Words can not describe how much fun it was.  Thanks to Carl & the gang for having us—Craig

Text Box: You’ve never seen anything like Big Beatles Night 4.  If you are a Beatles fan, make a point to attend the next one.
Text Box: Rock-It News!
 joins The Rock-It Band...

…….for one night!  Jeannie showed off her skills on tambourine and cow bell as she accompanied The Rock-It Band for one night at the Rex Theater for Big Beatles Night 4, sponsored by Pittsburgh Guitars.  Jeannie is no stranger to the big stage.  She used to play keyboards and tambourine in a band some time ago.  She decided to come out of retirement for this “one night stand” with Rock-It.  She served a dual role since she also acted as “eye candy” for the band.

Text Box: More Rock-It News!
Debbie replaces Craig as Band Photographer...

Jeannie & The Rock-It Band

You can see the Rock-It photos taken at the Rex Theater by Debbie by clicking HERE, or on the “Pictures from Gigs” button at the top left of this page.  In the near future, I’ll provide a link to the Pittsburgh Guitars website so you can see pictures of all the other bands.

Text Box: Click HERE to view pictures taken by Debbie of Big Beatles Night 4